This page last changed on Nov 23, 2004 by scytacki.
Output Type Image Size Resolution Rendered Image Size (inches) View Area Size (inches) View Area Size (pixels) Percentage of View Area Width for Image Viewing distance (inches) Standard font height Percentage of Image Height for font
Print 660x585 200dpi 3.3 x 2.925 8.5 x 11 1700 x 2200 39% 15" 24 pixels, 0.12 inches, 12 point 4.1%
Web 316x280 90dpi 3.5 x 3.1 11 x 8.5 (approx) 1024 x 768 31% 20 " 11 pixels, 0.12 inches, 12 point 3.9%
Hi-Res Palm 150x132 180dpi 1 x .9 3.25 x 3.25 360 x 360 42% 9" 14 pixels, 0.12 inches 10%
Lo-Res Palm 70x62 72dpi 1 x 0.9 3.25 x 3.25 160x160 44% 9" 6 pixels, 0.12 inches 8%
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:44